Saturday, February 21, 2015

Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy: A Review

All the power in the world resides in the eyes. You can take that as you like, but there's no disputing that the eyes speak to those around you and convey an inescapable truth: your age.

How many calendars have you accumulated on your journey through this life? Chances are those years are showing in unflattering ways around your eyes. Let's hazard a guess there are expression lines. Perhaps you've got bagginess, and maybe you've got the dreaded dark circles. Does it look like you haven't slept in a while? That's age around the eyes, folks.

No question about it, the eyes betray age like nothing else. And that's one of many reasons why Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy brings hope to millions of consumers who want to turn back the clock in this visible area.

Why Eyelasticity?

You've got choices in how you treat the evils of eye-aging. You can do over the counter topical creams from your local pharmacy, of course, but they're often little more than glorified moisturizers that don't permeate the skin in this delicate area and therefore don't stimulate the collagen and elastin required for smooth, supple skin.

You can also do Botox. But for many consumers, that's a can of worms they'd rather not open. After all, Botox is associated with plastic surgeons and synthetic injections. To many, Botox screams "I'm old and I'm resorting to a laboratory to make me feel young again." Plus Botox injections are intrusive. And they're not the cheapest.

And this brings us to Eyelasticity. With a strategic blend of patented peptides and proven botanicals, Eyelasticity does what drugstore eye creams do not. That is, it tightens the skin under the eyes, improves oxygen circulation and stimulates collagen and elastin for visibly reduced expression lines, dark circles and bagginess.

Look at it this way - Eyelasticity provides the technology to interact with the cellular matrix that most eye creams do not. And it reduces signs of aging with botanicals like beta glucan and green tea leaf extract, unlike Botox.

In other words, Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy provides more strength than common eye creams, and is a gentler and more natural therapy than Botox.

What You'll Find in Eyelasticity

An ideal blend of patented peptides and natural ingredients, Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy balances dermal technology with nature's finest healers.

Eyeseryl® - This tetrapeptide does magic for puffiness and dark circles. In a recent clinical study, Eyeseryl® reduced under-eye puffiness in 95% of study participants. No wonder it was proclaimed "Best New Technology" by Cosmetics & Toiletries magazine!

Syn®-ake - Have you heard products touting claims of "topical Botox"? Syn®-ake is one of those rare ingredients with the goods to back up that title, with its ability to block receptor sites in muscle tissue, thus preventing the contractions that lead to wrinkles and expression lines.

Regu®-age - Dark circles and puffiness don't stand a chance with Regu®-age. This combination of purified soy, rice and yeast proteins is clinically proven to reduce dark circles by 35%. And puffiness? Thirty-two per cent.

Beta Glucan - An anti-irritant that stimulates collagen, beta glucan is comprised of sugars from oats and barley and bacteria, fungi and lichens. In one study, beta glucan reduced wrinkles by 47%. And firmness and elasticity improved by 60%.

Green Tea Leaf Extract - You've heard that you can reduce eye bags with cold tea bags placed over the eyes, correct? That's because tea bags contain antioxidants called EGCC, which tighten skin and preserve collagen. The same principle in action with green tea leaf extract, for firm skin in an area where it's just 0.5 millimeters thick.

What Does This Mean?

Well, if you're looking to reduce crow's feet and laugh lines, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, it means good news.

You don't have to do Botox. And you don't have to do the over the counter eye creams that don't reverse age around the eyes. Yes, you can have young eyes. You can have them with Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy.


Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy: Potent and Nourishing

Got stretch marks? You're not alone. Between seventy-five and ninety per cent of women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The problem is, they stick around. Stretch marks are a reminder that your body's done some life-changing things, and it wears them proudly.

That's not to say you should be ashamed. After all, some of the most monumental events in life cause stretch marks. Pregnancy, adolescence, and weight fluctuations (including weight loss) are all milestones. But when the clothes come off, they're milestones you could do without.

What causes stretch marks? A combination of things, but the events we've just described can all trigger hormones called glucocorticoids that suppress the body's ability to produce elastin and collagen. That's not good, because it's these two proteins that provide tight, healthy and vibrant skin. Without sufficient collagen and elastin production, the layers of skin separate and cause the grooved and discolored appearance of stretch marks. Yuck.

The good news is that stretch marks are preventable. We've formulated Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy with the latest in skin care ingredients. They're chosen because they work, and they work well. Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of stretch marks by up to just two months!

Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy is potent, yet nourishing. Effective, but gentle. Let's look under the hood and see some of the ingredients that make it so:

Regestril® - one of the leading ingredients in Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy, Regestril® makes stretch marks disappear. In a recent clinical survey of 13 women with post-pregnancy stretch marks, volunteers applied a 2% concentration of Regestril® to affected areas for two months. At the end of the study, color, indentation and width of the stretch marks improved by 20%, and the women reported a 70% reduction in depth of scarring.

Darutoside® - a stimulator of collagen growth, Darutoside® helps wounds heal, encourages tissue renewal and skin elasticity. Darutoside® stimulates cellular matrix regeneration, meaning the protein structures in the skin become durable and can stretch without tearing � which goes a long way to preventing stretch marks! Darutoside® is also an anti-inflammatory.

Pro-Sveltyl® - originally developed for its anti-cellulite properties, ProSveltyl® is made from an extract of the sacred lotus flower Nelumbo Nucifera. ProSveltyl® stimulates collagen synthesis and helps to repair damaged skin. ProSveltyl® makes skin smooth, soothing irregularities and encouraging the strong dermal matrix required for taut, healthy skin.

Pro-Coll-One+® - a relative new-comer to the skin-care industry, Pro-Coll-One+® stimulates collagen I (the body's most common form of collagen) in healthy human fiberblasts by an astounding 1,190%! In a 56 day clinical survey, participants applied a 2% concentration of Pro-Coll-One+® twice daily. Pro-Coll-One+® reduced skin roughness by almost 10%, and 78% of study participants reported a noticeable improvement in texture of skin.

Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy reduces and erases those embarrassing stretch marks with the latest in skin care technology. Gentle and nourishing, yet potent and very effective, Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy makes skin smooth, even, and best of all, without stretch marks! Don't go another day with those unsightly reminders of where you've been. Embrace the future, with sexy, vibrant skin for the world to see.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Clear Beautiful Skin ~ Naturally

Start Treating Acne at the Root of the Problem

There are thousands of acne products on the drugstore shelves and online markets today that only treat the surface of the problem. Covering your skin with oily, ineffective, sometimes more damaging creams and gels is not the final answer to finding the clear, clean skin that you deserve. Treating your skin problems really needs to be an integrated process that works not only on the surface of your skin, but also internally as well. The root problem of unsightly blemishes and acne is not only what is happening on the outside, but also what is happening on the inside.

There has been a significant amount of research completed on what can be done to mitigate the causes of acne. Years of research in laboratories has been conducted by the team that has finally brought to you, the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System. This 3-part system not only works on your skin with topical creams, but also works on your skin with a unique internal herbal supplement that helps with the internal process of ensuring that your skin becomes blemish free —and stays that way.

This herbal supplement contains 100% natural herbs that have been used for centuries to help solve skin problems. From acne to eczema ingredients such as licorice root, dandelion, aloe vera, and cayenne work together to not only decrease acne, but also to ensure that it does not return. Other effective ingredients in this magic combination work to reduce inflammation also associated with acne. As well, fighting infection can help to reduce redness and other problems that irritate your skin and make it react, look red and even painful.

Other ingredients such as Echinacea work on treating your skin so that it can heal from the longer term damages of acne and blemishes. Atlantic Kelp, which contains rich minerals from the ocean, also works to smooth out the texture of your skin making it look healthier and adding that much desired 'glow'.

There really is no need to suffer the devastating effects of acne any longer. There is help and it really can be simple. Trying a sample of the 3-step Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System is effective and totally risk free. Doctors and psychologists recommend this product to their patients and clients, fully confident that it will be effective. Decreasing acne and blemishes from your skin not only makes you feel and look better but it also works to increase your self esteem and confidence. Having more self confidence also helps to reduce stress in your life, which is just another cause of acne in the first place — so it is about time to break this never ending cycle and change your life for good.

Being embarrassed by those unsightly blemishes and aggravated pores really can be a thing of the past. Try this amazing system today and within days you will start to see results. So why not order your own Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System and take a step toward healthier skin and a happier you.

For more information, go to